Everyone wants to feel and look healthier! In this blog post, I share 8 healthy habits you can implement today. Some require a little more effort than others, but I guarantee every single habit will have a positive impact in your life.
I have learned to stop using the excuse that I have NO TIME to be healthy.
You can find the time. 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there. These small increments of time spent choosing healthy habits, can multiply over time.
I still use the excuse that I have NO MOTIVATION.
Does anybody really have unlimited motivation? No, you just have to START. Make a conscious decision to do so, no matter how inconvenient it seems in the moment.
Take the first step. It may be a baby step, and that’s ok. Little progress is still progress. I hope you’ll take that single step to start (or continue) your journey to a healthier version of you!
Note: For each healthy habit, I have included the approximate TIME it will take you and the PREPARATION (supplies) you will need in order to start this healthy habit.
Healthy Habit #1 – Get morning sunlight.
Get outside within an hour or so after waking up. You might witness a beautiful sunrise, as I do many mornings, living in West Texas. The sky is painted magnificent shades of pinks and oranges. A perfect view to start your day! It will give you a moment to appreciate the sunrise God created and thank Him for another day, a fresh new start.
The benefits go far beyond that, however, as direct morning sunlight for 15 minutes or more can help set your circadian rhythm. This is your body’s clock that helps you regulate wake and sleep cycles. If you happen to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, this habit can help your body regulate that. Getting sunlight in your eyes (don’t look directly at the sun though!), lets your body know it’s time to wake up. A new day is starting and that sets your circadian rhythm.
Other health benefits proven by science are these: increased mood and increased Vitamin D production. Who doesn’t want to feel better and have an improved mood?? Vitamin D is an important vitamin some people lack due to spending so much time indoors. Get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine!
TIME: 15 minutes (or less)
PREPARATION: All that’s required of you is stepping outside. If it’s cold, bundle up. If it’s a cloudy morning, stay out a little longer & you’re still receiving amazing benefits.
Healthy Habit #2 – Drink a gallon of water.
1 gallon?? You must think I’m crazy, but I promise it is achievable. I purchased a 32 oz water bottle, like this ONE. You can drink 4 of these and you’re good to go for the day! To break it up even further, I split my days into four 4-hour increments.
5:30-9:30AM – 32 oz
9:30-1:30PM – 64 oz
1:30-5:30PM – 96 oz
5:30-9:30PM – 128 oz
1 GALLON DONE, check that off the list!
Ok, it does take some conscious effort to drink a whole gallon of water, but it can be done. I know, because I didn’t think I’d be able to, yet I was successful many days by following this method. It actually only equates to 8 oz/hour or 4 oz/per half hour of the hours I’m awake. If I can do it, you can do it! You will feel so much better, with a clear mind and overall, more energy.
If your body is made of about 60% water, that should tell you how absolutely essential daily water is to your well-being. The negatives may include using the restroom much more often. Yes, you have to stay on top of getting that water in, so it’s an all-day habit. However, you will notice the amazing health benefits.
Tip: Have a timer set for 30 minutes before you need to have the water bottle completed, so you can stay on track!
TIME: All day (but it literally takes only seconds to take a sip of water!)
PREPARATION: A water bottle you love! Have plenty of fresh water available!
Healthy Habit #3 – Tongue scraping
Believe me, this habit sounded disgusting to me at first too! Scraping my tongue with a metal (or plastic) scraper?? Eww, no thank you.
But, we all can admit, our morning breath probably could use some extra help. Obviously, still brush your teeth twice a day, but this is an EXTRA healthy habit with additional benefits.
In the morning, you need to remove the bacteria and particles that accumulate overnight. For more information and a step-by-step guide on HOW to tongue scrape, read this article. I’m not going to get into the nitty gritty in my blog post, but if you are completely unfamiliar with tongue scraping, do some more research. You’ll be glad you did.
TIME: Like 3 minutes
PREPARATION: Buy a tongue scraper. Less than $10 on Amazon.
Healthy Habit #4 – Eat a healthy breakfast.
I am HUNGRY in the morning. I don’t understand people that are able wait until 12pm to eat. Like my body is craving food. Get me food and get it quick!
My go-to breakfast is Greek yogurt with strawberries and granola (this one is my absolute favorite and includes peanut butter & chocolate chunks). What could be better?? The Greek yogurt alone has 15g of protein, so you’re getting a good amount of protein right off the bat. Plus, it’s very tasty and I look forward to it. It’s fueling my body with protein, antioxidants, and vitamins/minerals.
I encourage you to give breakfast a try. It doesn’t have to be at 7am, which is when I normally eat mine. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a reason. It starts your metabolism and is important for blood sugar regulation. Don’t wait to fuel your body! Give it a jump start on the day.
TIME: 15 minutes
PREPARATION: Have healthy foods available (protein is essential!)
Healthy Habit #5-Move your body.
10 minutes…
15 minutes..
1 hour…
It doesn’t matter how long your “workout” is. Heck, you don’t even have to call it a workout. Just move your body for as long as your schedule allows for.
I will pull up a MadFit workout video on YouTube and usually complete a 15-minute workout first thing after waking up. That’s it! Then I can be done for the day. Or…I can decide to walk later on. But either way, movement is checked off my list.
You all know the benefits, as we are taught the importance of exercise from a young age. I’m just here to encourage you and help you realize that YOU CAN fit it into your day. Even if you think you can’t, as I thought for so long. I DON’T have time!!! You have 15 minutes.
Even if your kids are with you literally all day. Take them to the park and walk the perimeter of the park while they play. Go on a walk and push your baby in a stroller. The possibilities for movement are endless. Just make it something you ENJOY. Or of course you’ll never make time for it.
You’ll receive the benefits from the movement right away. It will help your mental health and improve your mood, which I know we all could use!
If you’re looking for to challenge yourself in this season of life, you might consider reading my post on the 75 Hard Challenge!
TIME: 10 minutes plus.
PREPARATION: Decide on a form of movement you LOVE. A pair of comfy tennis shoes.
Healthy Habit #6-Hug a loved one.
This is something you probably do EVERY DAY anyways! But do you realize the health benefits?
Your dog, your baby, your husband, your mom…hug someone. It’ll make them feel special and you’re actually both receiving health benefits from it.
Have you heard of the 20 second hug? It is scientifically proven to help lower your cortisol (stress) levels and leads to higher oxytocin levels (sometimes called the cuddle hormone).
TIME: 20 seconds
PREPARATION: Someone/some animal to hug! (adopt a pet 🙂 )
Healthy Habit #7-Make a smoothie.
Don’t like vegetables? Don’t get enough fruits in your diet? Even if you do, try making a smoothie. It can be your breakfast even (then you’ve checked two healthy habits off the list at once!) I prefer it for a morning snack or even an afternoon snack. Forget that afternoon iced coffee! Ha, well maybe once in awhile wouldn’t hurt.
Spinach. Avocado. Banana. Almond Milk (or coconut water). Frozen fruit (pineapple or mangos).
All together it tastes amazing!
I use this recipe, which she calls a Glowing Skin Smoothie.
There are probably thousands of variations of smoothie recipes you can try. Search Pinterest and hopefully you’ll find some recipes that you LOVE. Then you know you’ve got some healthy ingredients in your body AND you’re not stuck making salads every day. Unless you really love salads, of course 🙂
TIME: 10 minutes
PREPARATION: You will need to have the fresh (or frozen ingredients on hand) and a blender.
Healthy Habit #8-Read (or listen to an audiobook)
I get it…some people just don’t like to read. Me, on the other hand, I devour books. I’m talking like at least one 300-page fiction novel per week. Even if that’s not you, hear me out.
I definitely prefer fiction to non-fiction, but when there’s an interesting topic I want to learn about, I’ll pick up a non-fiction book.
You may not think of reading as a “healthy” habit per se, but it is! You can learn soooo much from books. If grabbing a 300 page book from the library seems completely overwhelming, start small. Get the audiobook version of a title that interests you and go from there. You can use your commute to work to listen or even while doing the dishes.
I can’t guarantee you’ll ever LOVE reading like I do, but I hope you’ll recognize the benefit reading can provide.
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Joseph Addison
Love that quote!
TIME: 5 minutes plus
PREPARATION: Borrow a book from the library (or register for the Libby app or Hoopla through your library). These are completely FREE options! Or buy a book/audiobook, that will work too.
Well, there you have it! 8 healthy habits you can start today. Those are some of my personal favorites that I try to incorporate every day, or at least multiple times a week. Will you try all 8 today?? Or I encourage you to at least add one to your routine today & you’re guaranteed to recognize the benefits in your life. I’d love to hear what healthy habits you’re implementing!